Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tracy Anderson + Gangam Style

Have y'all heard of Tracy Anderson? Gwyneth swears by her, and I have a bit of a girl crush on both of their killer bods. True to form, I'm burnt out on just about every workout I've overdone. Running is the only thing I consistently go back to, but my knees and shins and hips are quickly resembling those of an 86 year old. Sad, but true.
Enter Tracy's Metamorphosis.
You take a little online quizzie- who doesn't love a quiz? And it analyzes where your body tends to store fat and/or gain weight. Based on that analysis, you are prescribed the workout set that is specific to your shape. It's about $90, but with that comes a plethora of DIFFERENT workouts, specifically targetted to YOUR ass. And hips. And thighs. Each varying mat workout begins with the same dance cardio routine, which brings me to the real point of this post.
Y'all. Homegirl stole my dance moves. Jumping around, kicking her legs, aimlessly bounding... ring any bells? Yep. 30 minutes of straight bouncin' around, calling it dancing. Pretty much my Friday & Saturday nights in a nutshell. So clearly, I LOVE IT! I suggest putting your own music to it after you do it one time. It goes amazingly well with Gangam Style. On repeat.