SUPER PUMPED for this weekend. This will be the first time in FORTY-SIX YEARS that Texas plays Ole Miss. I'm not gonna lie, this has been the pinnacle of Crawford's and my relationship for the past 4.5 years. Some might say marriage, starting a life together, popping out babes... nope. Football game featuring our respective Alma Maters.
Y'all, The Grove! This thing is the epitomy of all things COLLEGE and FOOTBALL. I might not ever come back.
Annnnnd naturally, with something this monumental, comes outfit anxiety. Several things making this difficult:
1. It's Tuesday. We leave on Thursday.
2. It's post-Labor Day, and we will be in the heart of the South where Labor Day rules are real rules.
3. It's going to be 85 during the day, but the game isn't until 8:15pm... when it will be 60 something.
4. Ole Miss girls dress up like it's prom.
Option 1:
i.e. What is happening because I didn't get my shiz together... in 4.5 years of anticipation.
Option 2:
If I was rich and did have my shiz together, this would be the outfit.
Leeeeeet's be honest here though, totes won't matter! Cannot freaking wayyuuuuut. PS I used Polyvore for the first time to make these outfits. Yes, I know I'm behind, but it was really fun.
Well that is fun! I would wear both of those outfits... Very cute! Still sad we couldn't go.