Thursday, August 2, 2012

Where have you been all my li-i-i-iiiife...

Rihanna- I'm right here.

If you read the About, you'll understand the hiatus. I'm so sorry dear blog, but it appears I grouped you into the "things I inevitably drop" category, and it wasn't cool. In my defense, Crawford proposed not long after these first posts (Yippee!!!!!!!), so I must admit I cheated on you with the following:

There were countless others, but I promise they meant nothing to me except 2,983,649,265 ideas and inspiration. Also, a special thank you to the gals of GG2k12 for encouraging me to get back on the horse and for laughing at me even when I'm not funny. Which is hardly ever.

I will give a brief re-cap of Day 3 in Chicago, and I promise it actually will be brief, because I hardly remember anything. Except this:

Pequod's. Go there. Do not go to Gino's East or whatever the other super-touristy places are. Go HERE. PS I quite like the Ole Miss junkie with his Horns up, don't you?

and this:

Wrigley. Amazing. The Cubs lost (err choked) and it was still so much fun!! That said, the first thing I sassed when we walked in the stadium was, "Gosh, this is small." Brat. (GO RANGERS!) After a minute of puffing out my Texas chest (and fluffing my Texas hair?), I realized the charm of this old school staple. No Lil' Wayne playing before they bat, no racing Ozarka dots, no obscene 2 foot long hot dog (can't wait to try that btw), just the good ol' fashioned organ and fans that all knew each other by name. No seriously. It felt like high school! It was so apparent that this is just what they do on Saturday... and every other Saturday before and after this. In fact, they do it so often there is simply no reason for them to even watch a play, much less the game. (Said the girl that has mastered the art of "watching" a sporting event with my girlfriends... ie "OMG, your hair looks so good! I love that top! Do you need to go to the restroom? I'll get more beers." All while angling toward each other in a position that is physically impossible to pay attention to anything other than each other... and most importantly to the gal with the greatest gossip).

and finally this:

Goose Island. We made besties with a couple guys from Bahhhh-ston and a kind bartender that lead us to Pequod's, all while we enjoyed delicious homegrown brews. If another opportunity presents itself to visit Chicago, I feel confident we will jump on it. Such a friendly, lively, and flat-out fun city. In a nutshell, it is the small town person's big city. (Yes, I came up with that all on my own!) Until then, I hope to post more consistently about my various antics and latest obsessions.

Speaking of HOPE and Chicago, Crawford's precious cousin Strother (prounounced Struh-ther) is headed to the Windy City, Lord willing, in the next week or so. If you get a free minute, check out this little superstar's website:

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